What you need for our upcoming session
  1. A comfortable & quiet space free from interruptions

  2. Earphones (preferred) or a good external speaker. The speakers on a phone or computer do not handle the resonance of the bowls well and the sound can come off buzzy and deeply subpar on quality. It is highly recommended you plug into earphones (or have a good speaker). I cannot stress that enough.

Best Phone (with dashes)
Have you experienced a sound therapy/meditation/healing/bath before?*
If so, was it virtual or in person?
What was your experience? (if applicable)
Any sensitivities or adverse reaction to sound?*
Rate your typical stress level (0 being not stressed at all and 10 is feeling completely stressed out)*
What do you know causes you stress?*
What do you know help you calm?*
What would you like to focus on during our time together? What do you need help with the most right now?*
Anything you want to mention?*
Did you read the important information at the top of this form?*